VR & Arcade Zone

A world of immersive excitement!


Know why it’s toad-ally worth it?

VR area that's designed to thrill and delight guests of all ages. Dive into the future of gaming with 4 state-of-the-art 9D VR machines, offering car racing, intense shooting games, mind-bending 360-degree roller coaster rides, and even captivating movies. But that's not all! Our arcade zone is stacked with 20 action-packed machines, including basketball, bowling, water shoot, and delightful rides for the little ones.

Fun for all

Fun for all

We provide highly interactive classes gaming zone, perfect for quality family time, get-togethers, birthdays, kitty parties or corporate events. Together is fun!

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Arcade games

Arcade games

Our arcade zone is stacked with 20 action-packed machines, including basketball, bowling, water shoot, and delightful rides for the little ones. Whether you're a college student looking for a stress-busting escape or an office-goer seeking an after-work chill spot, or simply want to unwind with friends, House of Pepe's cafe offers the perfect place to relax after gaming.

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VR Zone

VR Zone

Dive into the future of gaming with 4 state-of-the-art 9D VR machines, offering car racing on F1 tracks, intense shooting games, mind-bending 360-degree roller coaster rides, and interactive captivating 9D movies.

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Toads of benefits that you can explore:

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    One of a kind in Kolkata

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    For all age groups

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    Quality family time

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    Best for parties and get togethers