About Us

Instilling powers in little superheroes


Our Mission

To make HOP a one-stop solution for kids and parents. Making HOP a place for stress-free parenting. We aim to help raise kids who are strong, physically and mentally.


Our Vision

Vision for House of Pepe envisions a community that values and supports the well-being of children and families. We prepare your kids for the future- physically and mentally.

About us

How House of Pepe was born?

When Varchasv was born, we were sailing in the same boat as other parents to provide the utmost care and facilities to our bundle of joy. Varchasv is our inspiration to start this journey. Whenever we used to step out for dinner, we would still have to pack food for him because no age-appropriate food was available. This gave birth to the idea of curating healthy food for toddlers outside home. Another nightmare was hair cut. We looked out for salons curated for kids which used toxin-free products and made the “process” a happy experience but there were hardly any. Aankush’s concern was fitness and discipline.


There are a plethora of gyms around but nothing specific for toddlers to get the exercise they need, which provoked us to include an engaging play area and fitness center in the project. It was a series of discontent facts we learned when Varchasv was an infant, for which we have very specifically researched workshops at our center for the kids. We are sure many new parents can relate to these situations. We are grateful for the journey and have learned, researched, and applied our experience in the project. We are equally excited to make other couples’ parenting journeys delightful. The ideas only multiply as we are progressing through this journey. Without a thought, we decided to give life to our ideas. And so, the House of Pepe was born.

Meet our experts

The people behind HOP

Rachana Agarwal

Rachana Agarwala


Ankush Agarwal

Ankush Agarwala


Varchasva Agarwal

Varchasv Agarwala

Brand Ambassador

  • 8+ Years

    of business experience

  • 6+ services

    One stop solution

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